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The New Build: Part 2

Lisa Gardener

Now the hole has been dug out, it's ready for the concrete!

A layer of concrete blinding was down, the floor slab position had been marked out and we were cracking on with with the engineer designed steel reinforcement for the basement floor slab, ready for the concrete pour

The lorry loads of ready-mix concrete arrived on site and the concrete was poured in via a towering tube (known as a boom), and a vibrating poker tool used to take the bubbles out and encourage the mix to flow all around the steel. This is a vital step in ensuring the slab performs as designed. Our team set to work smoothing out the concrete, vibrating it again if needed, to deliver a level platform for the build.

The finished slab is shown above. Note the upright steel rods, which will help to provide a strong connection between the floor and the basement walls.


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