Eco friendly
In addition to the environmental benefits of timber as a construction material, the high thermal insulation means that living in a timber-framed house also minimises the effects of burning fossil fuels and the greenhouse effect.
Low weight
Lightweight construction requires less expensive foundations for a given building volume and enables larger buildings to be constructed on sites with poor ground conditions.
Not weather dependent
Rapid completion of structural or weatherproof shell enables the internal fit-out to begin earlier, with less dependence on the weather, making site planning more predictable.
Masonry not critical
Factory prefabrication removes bricklaying from the critical path, meaning other trades can begin work on the building before the masonry is completed.
Less drying-out time
Reduced drying-out time for wet trades means internal finishing can be completed sooner with less risk of shrinkage cracks.
Improved quality
CAD/CAM technology ensures factory quality is consistent and accurate. Each unit is engineered and depends less on site skills, with fewer defects and much improved consistency.
Less material wastage
All of the structural materials for a timber-framed building are factory prepared and quantified so there is much less wastage and loss through on-site theft.
Dimensional accuracy means that walls are vertical and flat and rooms are square, making decorating and fitting furniture less demanding.
On-site handling
Buildings are delivered in kit form, with individual components labelled. This enables materials to be unloaded and stored in the correct order for erection, optimising use of site plant.